Braylon just turned 7 months this week. He has really started to explore everything. He loves to army crawl and sit up. We are sharing this video with you of our day Saturday.
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Micah & Emry's Birthday Party
We were thankful we could join some of the Hayes family to celebrate two sweet girls' Strawberry Shortcake birthday party. Kyla and Alan hosted a good time for all!
Cousin Time: Emry, Leif, Braylon, Ava, Aubryn, Micah, Keirah
These are Braylon's 2nd cousins.
Emry turned 3 and Micah turned 2
7 Months
We absolutely love our active boy!
Height: 28.5 inches
Weight: 21-22 pounds
Developments & Things to Remember:
-nicknames: Bray, Braylon-son, Punkin', Precious, "my boy", Buddy, Booger
-loves smiling & laughing
-laughs deep, especially when being tickled
-loves smiling & laughing
-laughs deep, especially when being tickled
-chatters all the time with vowel and some consonant sounds
-the week he turned 7 mo., he decided to explore crawling and sitting more
-army crawls all over the house grabbing and getting into everything
-sitting is better, but has the occasional crash backwards on the noggin
-tried to pull up and stand, but only gets up on his knees
-recognizes people
-reaches for people
-starting to realize the people he really wants to reach for, not just anyone
-pounds on things with toys or his hand
-rolls & crawls under anything: rocking chair, bed, chairs, tables, people, etc.
-beats his heels hard on the floor when lying on his back
-enjoys most all baby foods (peas, carrots, potatoes, prunes, apples, pears, oatmeal, barley cereal)
-does not want to sit in a high chair, but doesn't mind once he gets in it
-is very strong and will arch his back to avoid sitting
-loves to be held or carried in the Baby Bjorn
-chews on everything
-has two cute bottom teeth in and 4 more coming in on the top
-nursery workers said he was the squirmiest baby they've ever seen
-will not sit still
-turns in circles if being held when he is tired
-loves to ring the bell in our kitchen
-loves his baths & swimming
-wears size 3 diapers
-wears 6-9 mo. clothes (has trimmed up, so he can still wear most clothes)
-nap time just is not what he looks forward to
-will usually nap at least once a day around 2pm for 1-2 hrs. (2 naps some days)
-sleeps good from 8pm-7 or 8am- nurses once in between (only for comfort)
-skin is beautiful! (dermatologist found staph. now we are treating him properly)- hardly any eczema left
-tries to give kisses when being held
-tries to mimic sounds and people (especially other babies)
-favorite place: outside
-hair is coming in a little more- looks redish brown
-likes his activitiy jumper- moved it up another notch
-grew out of all other toys (bouncy chair, play mat)
-is a good traveler, but struggles to be contained in his car seat for more than 3 hours. (9.5 hour Lubbock trip was a bit of a challenge)
-enjoys his Bible class/nursery
Such a joy to have a little boy. They say "it gets better." I say the 7 months we have had Braylon have been absolutely wonderful. Thank you Lord!
-will usually nap at least once a day around 2pm for 1-2 hrs. (2 naps some days)
-sleeps good from 8pm-7 or 8am- nurses once in between (only for comfort)
-skin is beautiful! (dermatologist found staph. now we are treating him properly)- hardly any eczema left
-tries to give kisses when being held
-tries to mimic sounds and people (especially other babies)
-favorite place: outside
-hair is coming in a little more- looks redish brown
-likes his activitiy jumper- moved it up another notch
-grew out of all other toys (bouncy chair, play mat)
-is a good traveler, but struggles to be contained in his car seat for more than 3 hours. (9.5 hour Lubbock trip was a bit of a challenge)
-enjoys his Bible class/nursery
Such a joy to have a little boy. They say "it gets better." I say the 7 months we have had Braylon have been absolutely wonderful. Thank you Lord!
West Texas: LBB & Welch
We drove out to Welch for a few hours in the afternoon. After suddenly waking Braylon up from a nap in the car, he was a little bashful. He soon warmed up to the family and had a great time at MiMi & Granddad's house.
First time to meet Aunt Tonya. I'd say it was a delight to both parties!

Feed me some more water, Granddad!
Braylon was ready for the camera. He loves MiMi.
Back in Lubbock, we had some good playtime with cousin Kenzy.
Katy is such a good sister to Kenzy and cousin to Braylon.
The chilly morning before we left Lubbock, Granddad and Ben bundled the little guy up for a stroll. It wasn't long until he was out for a nice cozy nap.
San Antonio
We've been on several small trips and visited friends and family, but this was our first "actual" vacation since "the boy" was born. We had a great time at a resort & Sea World.
Katy (3 yrs. old) rode the water boat ride. She loved it!
The smallest tots were out quick after lunch. (Kenzy 10 mo. & Braylon 7 mo.)
It's time to go home!

Snooze time with Grammy
Our wiggle worm with Grammy & GranddadKaty (3 yrs. old) rode the water boat ride. She loved it!
It's time to go home!
Braylon had a great siesta in the stroller.
Down on the River Walk... the fellas bonded.
The boat cruise sent Braylon to sleep quick and well, Katy just wasn't into it.
Just us girls!
Evenings at the resort
Braylon (and the rest of us) loved the lazy river

PaPa & Nani's visit
Even though PaPa and Nani live about 45 minutes away, we invited them to stay Friday night with us. We had a good time & took a few pics at Taste of Texas- Yum!
Happy Birthday Mama!
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