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5 months

I cannot believe my baby is already 5 months old! I will share his statistics and the things I want to remember about the past 5 months.
Height: 27.5" (approx. 95%-97%)
Weight: about 20 lbs. (approx. 95%-97%)
Developments & Things to Remember:
-nicknames: Pumpkin, Punkin', Dumplin', Precious, The Little Guy, My Boy
-laugh is more genuine and deep
-smiles constantly
-knows what to do when the camera is out- Smile!
-loves to be around people (will sacrifice his nap time often to be with people)
-nurses about 6 times a day
-recently he changed his night schedule to 7:30/8pm to 8am with only one 1:30am feeding
-only fusses occasionally for a few minutes before falling asleep (much better than the 30 min-1hr)
-wears 6-9 month clothes
-wears size 3 diapers
-rolls all over the place
-loves to be on his belly in his crib and look over the bumper at people
-wants to crawl so bad- can wiggle around the floor a little
-babbles constantly
-is very active in church service
-struggles with staying content in Bible class (usually is tired and hungry)
-played Moses in church VBS play & loved it
-is attached to mama
-loves to play with daddy
-loves anything outdoors
-still battling bad eczema on the body (not the face or head)
-has licked an apple and banana and frozen yogurt & drank water out of a glass
-has outgrown his swing
-loves to be read to 
-inconsistently naps 1-2 times a day (1 hour around 10am & 2 hours around 1pm)
-gets loopy or fussy when he's tired
-chews constantly on everything (probably teething)
-can almost sit by himself
-still doesn't like to follow a schedule
-struggles with noisy restaurants and places
-getting more ticklish
-loves to dunk his face in his bath and drink the water
-loves to cuddle at night (will snuggle up to the crib bumper to sleep)
-eyes are still changing to a brownish color
-hair still scarce, but reddish-blond
-still loves to sleep in the car
-very much an explorer
-very observant

Braylon is a joy and blessing to us. We have had 5 super fun months with him! He is God's gift!

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