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Around the house...

Here are a few clips of our fun around the house. Braylon crawls all over the entire house.
 He can finally close the little lids.
 He loves finding the little nooks and crannies to explore.

Playtime in the living room.
 Some how he enjoys playing under the rocking chair. This time he didn't even fuss. He squeezed out and crawled out from under the chair when he was finished.
 This is an angled photo taken on our video monitor. I was watching him as he stood in his crib during "nap-time" (or the lack there of). I didn't get the actually standing stance, but this is an attempt.
 Playin' with my car seat and watching a little Liverpool soccer on the laptop.
We're happy most of the time.
Sometimes the best way to get stuff done is strap him on. He loves being on my back during the day. He observes everything and tries to grab anything I get near. Sometimes the motion is just what he needs for a little snoozer.

1 comment:

  1. I love the "strapping him on your back" to get things done. Too cute.
