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8 Months

Wow! Our boy is now 8 months old. He has grown and matured more in the last month than the other months combined. I just had to include two pictures this month. We love our sweet Braylon!
Height: about 30 inches
Weight: about 20 pounds
Developments & Things to Remember:
-we call him: Punkin', Little Guy, Booger, Precious, Baby, Braylon, Bray, Son, Braylonson, Guy...
-loves to laugh and play
-smiles at most everyone
-people often say he's the happiest baby they've ever seen
-loves to interact with people more than toys- most of the time
-favorite place is still outside
-babbles about everything
-imitates sounds and noises
-discovered his "g" (guh) sound- goo, ga, guh
-loves to sing along to "If You're Happy & You Know It" & "This Little Light of Mine"
-crawls around fast on all fours with belly off the ground
-pulls up to stand on everything (even used my hair one time)
-stands holding on with one hand (and is very proud of it)
-tries to move from one item to the next, but doesn't quite have the steps down
-can pinch the smallest crumb and pick it up
-has great eyes sight- will spot the smallest piece of fuzz
-rarely cranky- unless not feeling well or tired
-had first injury- bit the underside of the tongue
-loves the bell & opening the microwave door in the kitchen
-crawls to his bath when he hears the water
-loves his bath & water in general
-pats everything- mama, chair, table, etc.
-has 6 teeth and acts like a 7th is on its way
-wears size 9-12 month clothes
-wears size 3 diapers (but may move to 4's soon)
-loves to munch on puffs (especially in church)
-enjoys most all baby food (favs: sweet potatoes, fruits)
-did not like the tomato paste based #3 foods
-loves to feed himself
-eats about 7 oz. of food when hungry
-nurses 3-5 times a day
-Daddy bottle feeds about 2-3 times a week at night
-bedtime 8pm
-sleeps from 8pm-? (it's a guess every morning) between 6am & 8am
-rarely nurse during the night
-still nurses to sleep
-will stand and yell in crib until someone comes
-naps inconsistently; 1-2 naps (one long, one short, or two long, or two short, or none)
-baby toys have grown old; likes balls and things that move on the floor, but mostly likes anything that is not a toy
-has been disciplined quite a bit this past month (grabbing plants, flipping over during changing, refusing high chair, etc.)
-does not like diaper changed (due to discomfort of yeast in that area)
-skin is doing well - less eczema
-bruises all over the face from bumping into things or falling- mostly on the right side
-takes 2 to get him ready for bed (lotions, clothes, diaper, etc.)
-struggles with the high chair- will arch the back as far as possible to avoid it
-recognizes his name
-knows his mama and daddy and is attached (but has not had must separation anxiety)
-enjoys class at church
-hair is coming in as a rust color- still cute & bald though

Our Blessing from the Lord!

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