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Down in the South...

 Our 12 hour trip in the car to Mississippi. This was our first stop. As you can see, Braylon is still in his pajamas from our 5am departure.
 Aw. Uncle Mac.
 The Green Market in Corinth (it was the neat, small town market that you would imagine)
We were watching the train, not the porta potties.
 Possibly Braylon's favorite outside toy- hose sprayer (not connected of course).
 Easter Sunday! (Daddy was at a wedding in Huntsville)
 Cousin John came to be with us!
 Braylon's first Easter Egg Hunt.
 "Alright! There are snacks in these eggs!"
 "Found all the eggs. Ate all the snacks. Guess it's over!"
 "I love driving the tractor!"
 Cutting hay with Uncle Mac.
 Driving the 4-wheeler with Aunt Linda.
 "Driving is my favorite!"
 Well, needless to say it was windy and chilly and Braylon did not have a good boat ride.
However, he still enjoyed driving!

Bluebonnets & Blue Bell

 Ridin' the bronze cow at the Blue Bell Creamery in Brenham.

 Future horticulturalist.
 "I love ice cream!"
 We missed the sign on the other side of the truck that says do not touch or climb on car. Oops. We were "those" parents.
 Again, studying the horticulture.
 The Bluebonnets were gorgeous out in Brenham.

Spring Time!

Spring has been busy, so I am combining several occasions.
 On a Sunday.
 Ole Uncle Ty! He's so smart! (just finished defending his thesis)
Happy birthday to Daddy & Nani!
 Happy Birthday to Granddad!
 My Buddy Hudson Dover in Dallas.
 Nothin' like a good snack, some water, and a little siesta in the car. ("Gotta keep my hand on my snack or Mama will take it away when I fall asleep").
 Our friends on the camping trip.
 Our other friend Ashlyn.
 Macey is such a good baby.
Mommy & Braylon!