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6 Months

I can't believe Braylon is 6 months old. He has been such a joy and a delight to us! We are truly blessed!
Height: 28.25 inches (90-95%)
Weight: 20.06 pounds (97%)

Developments & Things to Remember:
-nicknames (the same): Punkin', Pumpkin, Dumplin', Precious, My Boy, The Little Guy, Bray, Small Fry, Booger
-loves to smile and laugh
-is becoming more and more ticklish
-lights up when his Daddy comes home from work & starts laughing before he starts tickling him
-people person, but enjoys his peace and quiet too
-is a better nap taker 1-2 naps a day
-wears 9-12 month clothes
-size 3 diapers
-loves his baths
-rolls constantly
-is sitting a little better (not by himself yet)
-pats me when I pick him up
-does not like his high-chair or a bib (but gets them both anyway)
-sleeps from 7:30pm -ish until 8:00am -ish with 1-3 feedings (always at 3:30am)
-does not fight going to bed; will play in crib if not tired and put himself to sleep
-on the verge of crawling; high centers on his belly and waves arms and legs ferociously
-tries to mimic sounds people make
-Will let anyone hold him
-loves the outdoors (would live there if I let him)
-still battling eczema and or heat rashes, etc.
-Light reddish fuzz on his sweet little head
-turns his play mat over daily
-crawls out of his bouncy chair every time he is in it
-is starting to enjoy his activity jumper (moved it up a notch because his legs are growing longer)
-Explores everything
-Looks around at everything
-still loves books
-growing weary of his small toys
-Eats 2 Tbs. of oatmeal cereal 2 times a day (morn. & eve.) with b-milk
-Nurses about 6 times a day
-has two cute bottom teeth (came in a few days after 5 months of age)
-Chews on whatever he can get a hold of
-Loves to drink water out of a glass
-Loves his baths and swimming pools
-Eyes have changed to dark brown (like his daddy)
-Very active on the ground, in his crib, being held- he's a boy alright!
-Sleeps in the car
-Enjoys his car toys on the seat (elephant, zebra, & fish that hang down)- succeeds in getting the elephant & fish off their hooks often
-Is a good traveler

We love our Braylon boy!

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