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7 Months

We absolutely love our active boy!

Height: 28.5 inches
Weight: 21-22 pounds

Developments & Things to Remember:
-nicknames: Bray, Braylon-son, Punkin', Precious, "my boy", Buddy, Booger
-loves smiling & laughing
-laughs deep, especially when being tickled
-chatters all the time with vowel and some consonant sounds
-the week he turned 7 mo., he decided to explore crawling and sitting more
-army crawls all over the house grabbing and getting into everything
-sitting is better, but has the occasional crash backwards on the noggin
-tried to pull up and stand, but only gets up on his knees
-recognizes people
-reaches for people
-starting to realize the people he really wants to reach for, not just anyone
-pounds on things with toys or his hand
-rolls & crawls under anything: rocking chair, bed, chairs, tables, people, etc.
-beats his heels hard on the floor when lying on his back
-enjoys most all baby foods (peas, carrots, potatoes, prunes, apples, pears, oatmeal, barley cereal)
-does not want to sit in a high chair, but doesn't mind once he gets in it
-is very strong and will arch his back to avoid sitting
-loves to be held or carried in the Baby Bjorn
-chews on everything
-has two cute bottom teeth in and 4 more coming in on the top
-nursery workers said he was the squirmiest baby they've ever seen
-will not sit still
-turns in circles if being held when he is tired
-loves to ring the bell in our kitchen
-loves his baths & swimming
-wears size 3 diapers
-wears 6-9 mo. clothes (has trimmed up, so he can still wear most clothes)
-nap time just is not what he looks forward to
-will usually nap at least once a day around 2pm for 1-2 hrs. (2 naps some days)
-sleeps good from 8pm-7 or 8am- nurses once in between (only for comfort)
-skin is beautiful! (dermatologist found staph. now we are treating him properly)- hardly any eczema left
-tries to give kisses when being held
-tries to mimic sounds and people (especially other babies)
-favorite place: outside
-hair is coming in a little more- looks redish brown
-likes his activitiy jumper- moved it up another notch
-grew out of all other toys (bouncy chair, play mat)
-is a good traveler, but struggles to be contained in his car seat for more than 3 hours. (9.5 hour Lubbock trip was a bit of a challenge)
-enjoys his Bible class/nursery

Such a joy to have a little boy. They say "it gets better." I say the 7 months we have had Braylon have been absolutely wonderful. Thank you Lord!

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